Had a Bad Day!

Well it happened to me yesterday. I am a statistic. The economy got the best of me. Certain individuals I know suck! I had a milkshake for dinner last night (even though at my weigh in on monday my total pounds lost since 1/5/09 is now 15.4 pounds). I barely slept last night - then I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. WHY? Well because I was laid off after 6 years on 2/20/09 at 11:28 AM as i was preparing to leave for lunch.
I got the whole "it is not you thing and we tried to find another place for you" speech. Needless to say I blinked as many times as i possibly could so that I would not give them the satisfaction of seeing my tears, but some slipped out. I wanted out of that office so bad that I did not really hear everything that was said, i was flushed and my heart rate was excellerated and I just wanted the hell out of there. So once i was able to break free I went and sat in my office for a few minutes, then I went across the street to get some boxes and to move my car closer. I was not ready to talk to anyone yet, I would cry and I cannot talk when i cry. So I packed a few things up and then decided to go give Laura that candy from the dish on my desk. When I walked in her office she asked why i was giving her my candy and i just looked at her and it was all over. Others came in and some cried with me and we all vented. It felt good to have co-workers curse when they heard I was leaving - they were all very suppotive and I get upset when i think that i will not get to see them everyday anymore. See I thought i was ready to write this but here come the waterworks. I can be pretty emotional and I need to snap out of this. Everything is going to be fine. They paid me for next week and I had 150 vacation hours banked and they paid me for that - I never really took time off so it was a lot of $ that they had to give me.. The sad thing was that I had 297 sick hours and you just loose those. I probably only used 3 sick days in 6 years. I actually have a very good job opportunity on the horizon. I was just too upset to get the details yesterday but an old client that heard about my situation just merged with another company and when they open their new office in 3-4 weeks he says that I have a position with them no problem. So I am going to collect unemployment and try and enjoy my time off and look at it as a vacation. I was planning on going to Phoenix next week with a friend to visit another friend and that is still going on. Then i guess I can do whatever! Maybe I can go visit one of you since I have nothing but time :) maybe I can go on welfare and be the next Octo-mom (that was supossed to be funny)..........
I just did my taxes online and that will help a lot, as long as I do not get an IOU.....
Also some friends at work suggested I get a facebook. They do not realize how long it took me to get a myspace. but since i do want to keep in touch with them and I believe everyone else has a facebook I am going to go there next and check it out so look for me in the future. UGH, crying gives me such a headache so i am going to stop now.

I hate being a statistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*it has been getting colder - for San Diego anyway -
*I have had a sinus infection that started on the right side, head ache pressure watery eye stuffy
nose. That lasted a few days and then switched to the left side which was not as bad. Thank
goodness for the liquid Tylenol PM cold with cool burst :)
*5 office co-workers were laid off - due to this awful economy.
*There was a meeting at work to let us know that there should not be any more lay offs and that
the board of directors and executives have found other ways to cut costs and that 2009 looks
promising - I guess we will see.
*I saw the movie Taken. It was great. Suspenseful and enough action to keep you wanting more.
*Sarah and I were too "loud" during the previews and a couple in front of us moved to the rear of the theater - excuse us!
*I finished the 3rd book of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. there are some mean vampires in this
*I am even more lost during Lost.
I am now wondering if indeed Izzy and George are leaving Greys Anatomy. Cause that would really suck! I am going to go finish packing - I am leaving for the desert after work tomorrow.
Then I am taking a hot bubble bath and starting the 4th book of the series.................................

Ugh! I do not feel good and I do not feel like doing anything!

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