

So I had plans to go to a pool party/BBQ up in Alpine today and when I woke up it was raining and gloomy. Hello - it is Labor Day weekend. When I called to see if there was still going to be a party I learned that there is thunder and lightning up in Alpine - actually that sounds like fun. but the party might be postponed till we have nicer weather. So I just looked up movies at the theater but there is nothing good out.... Blah, what to do.

New Fave!

So I have heard a lot lately about the Twilight series. It is a series of 4 books about a vampire love story. It did not really interest me at first. Then I read in a magazine that there is a movie coming out in December about the first movie. So that got me a little interested. Then 2 weeks ago I went up to Escondido to visit my cousin and her family and I saw that Joanna was reading it and then her daughter Sierra told me that she read the first in 3 days and that she was now reading the third. So I decided to give it a shot. I went to Target after work on Monday and picked it up (it is considered a young adult book). I started reading it Monday evening and I did not want to do anything else but finish the damn thing. I took it to work with me on Tuesday(which is where I took the pic), that was a big mistake, I was trying to read it, do my work and not get caught. I finished it that night. It was such a good book! I did the same thing with the second one, I finished it the day after I started. I have decided not to purchase 3 and 4 yet because I need to pace myself, I cannot get anything done when I know the book is sitting there waiting for me to read it....... I know, I am weird but I really love to read and it has been such a long time since I have wanted to finish a book as soon as I start it.
Ok, well I better get back to work - do not pay attention to my messy desk at work in the background of the picture - :)

The Hills

Just a quick blog while I am at work. Tonight is the season 4 premiere of The Hills on MTV. I know I am probably too old to still be watching this crap, but I still love this Crap!..... (hey I even still watch the Real World and that is like going on its 50th season)..... Thank goodness for the DVR so I can FF through the really lame parts :)

River Pics

So I had a great quick trip to the river this weekend. Even though it was about 106 degrees it did not feel that hot. The water was perfect. You could not ask for a better temperature. The pics show the group playing wiffle ball in about a foot of water. it is not as easy as it looks. Now it is back to the real world and I did not have a good day at work yesterday, I should have stayed in Arizona. My co-worker tried to throw me under the bus for leaving early friday. not that it is any of his business but I went through the proper channels and got the time off approved 2 weeks ago! Next time he is going to have to try harder if he wants to make me look bad......

Ok so I am at work and I am looking at Blogger and I see on Mandi and Christina's pages that it has been 2 weeks since I have posted a blog. I did not even realize it had been that long. This humidty down here has been awful this week and I think that I might try and use that an excuse. I am "working" right now so if someone comes in my office I will have to exit real quick. Lets see, not really much has happened in the past two weeks. Tomorrow I am taking off work at 11:30 AM and going to the river. I heard it was 118 out there yesterday. It sounds crazy but since I will be in that water all day hopefully it will not be that bad. I am going to Martinez Lake which is part of the Colorado River. It is about 35-40 miles east of Yuma, Az. Which make it about a 3 hour and 15 minute drive from my house. It is straight down 8E and not a bad drive at all. I am coming home on sunday, this is just going to be a quick weekend trip. Well I better not press my luck by staying on too long at work, I do not want them to discover this site and block it like they have done with all the other good ones (I tried to print a jamba juice coupon the other day and it came up blocked - really, what is wrong with the jamba site).

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