SO on Saturday night some friends and I went and saw The Hangover. It is about 4 guys who attend a bachelor party in vegas and when they wake up the next morning they cannot remember anything and one of the guys is missing. It was hilarious. I really enjoyed it - it is definetly an adult comedy though......

On Sunday afternoon I went with my cousin and her family to see UP!. We saw it 3D, which cost extra - I did not know that!!! But it was really cute and I was glad I saw it 3D.

On Friday night I went to Sea World for the premier of their Summer Nights. the shows are much better at night! Daniela and I got to on the Journey to Atlantis ride 4 times in a row. I guess everyone was scared of getting wet and cold!

Next, i am off to magic mountain on Thursday. I have not been there in a really really long time. I think the last time was when I went with Christina and my brother :)

Past Week.

Of course I have not been on blogger in awhile :)
So lets see..... last Wednesday I went to Disneyland and Ca Adventure with my friend Holly and her 3 year old son Trevor. We got in for free (her dad works there) - other wise I would nto be able to go and as it is I had not been in almost 3 years. it was a good day, beautiful weather and not too crowded...
Then Thursday I woke up with a head cold that lingered for a few days. I am still congested in the mornings.
On sunday it was my BFF's son Andrew's 2nd birthday party at Santee Lakes. So I was there for a few hours then came home and got ready for the Fleetwood Mac concert at the San Diego Sports Arena. I have seen Stevie Nicks perform solo but never with the band. It was a great show. Here are some pics.... Some of them are out of order!

Me and the birthday boy Andrew.

Fleetwood Mac - we had terrace seats - cheapest at $90... and I happened to plan for this and bought the tics 4 days before I was laid off.........good thing I did not go for the better ones!

Tailgating before the show

John and Sean and Dos XX

In the back of the suburban on the way there.

Watching a Fleetwood Mac DVD on the way - did not realize how dirty the TV screen was until the pic came out...Must have been from her kids :)

Desert Days

I just got back from spending a few days in Ocotillo, Ca. Home of dust dirt and rocks! Actually I had a real good time. My mom and I arrived there on Wed afternoon. On Thursday am we got up and drove an hour to Winterhaven, which is 5 minutes from the Yuma, Arizona border. We met my grandparents and a new casino that is out there. We played for a few hours and then had lunch at the buffet. I got a straight flush on vidoe poker which paid $60 and then I also won on a penny survivor machine - I lost big time at the black jack table. But all in all I walked out with $15 more dollars then I walked in with. Yes, I probably should not be gambling considering the whole job situtation but I have not done so in 3 years and I needed to relax and have fun....

On Friday a couple of us went for an offroad ride and we found an area that sectioned off. If you can read the sign in the picture, it is plants that only grow in 3 parts of the world - it is the crown of thorns.

We found an abandoned drug runner car and of course the guys had to run it over!!!

Austin's bday is the 13th but we celebrated it on Saturday night.

We hid Easter eggs for the kids on Sunday morning.

The weather pretty much sucked. It was hot on Wed, but it was so windy on thurs, fri, and sat. I thought we were going to get blown away. Them of course on the day that we were leaving it was beautiful and HOT!!
So Hot that a few of us had a water fight.

A desert flower that bloomed on the cactus.

Just thought that I would take some pics that explain how I spend my days lately :)

Turn on computer

Check facebook

Check email and job posting sites.

I have been reading a lot. I read the Marked series (all 5) in less than a week. (they are excellent - found in the young adult section though)
This is where I have been doing all my reading. Outside enjoying the sun (when we have it)

Play AC DUCE or Phase 10 with whomever comes over.

Used my year pass and went to Sea World with Holly and Trevor one day last week. Might go again next week with Daniela. It is nice to walk the park and does not cost much when you have a pass that includes parking and a refillable souvineer cup.

Found these at Walmart yesterday and of course I had to have them!
This morning I got up and decided to go to 24 hour fitness - the first time in years! - Later today I am going to lunch with some of my ex-co-workers. then tomorrow I am leaving for the desert for about 5 days. that will be nice to get away.

Here are some pictures that I
took at Maddie's first birthday party.
And some pix of everyone playing Rock Band back at Christina and Jim's after the party!

This past week

You would think that with all of this time on my hands that I would keep up with blogger but of course that has not happened As i was leaving work on my last day a friend mentioned facebook so I signed up for that and I check it almost everyday - must be because it is new :)

Last week was not very productive. On Monday and Tuesday I did not do much. Just kind of relaxed and tried to get out of my funk. I did some spring cleaning but that got old real fast.

On Wednesday I got out of the house and met Sarah and Andrew at Soup Plantation for lunch. Then I went with them to Target, did not really buy anything but at least shopping with Sarah got me out of the house.

On Thursday I went down to my old work. that was an odd experience, being there but not really being there. I had to turn in paperwork. I had to decide what to do with my 401K - now is not the time to mess with that so I decided to just leave it where it is and hopefully in the future i can roll it over. Then a few co-workers took me to lunch and we visited and I learned that 3 more people were let go that Monday. I am worried for the rest, I hope everything goes well and that they have let enough people go so that everyone else can keep their jobs.

On Friday I left for Phoenix to visit Lisa and her family. Lisa and I have known each other since I was 5 and she was 3 when my family moved into her neighborhood. We have been great friends ever since, we are more like family. So It was great to see her and it was her daughters 6th birthday while I was there and so we spent a few chaotic hours at Peter Piper Pizza with a billion kids. When Gia opened her Hannah Montana dolls that I got her she said that she was glad that God made me. Out of the mouths of babes! My friend Holly and her son Trevor drove over there with me. On Saturday night Lisa's parents were great and watched the kids so that we could go out. We went to a bar/club called the Litehouse. We started the night out right with Tequila shots. Then everyone switched to their drink of choice, I had Captain Morgan and coke - of course.... We did not get back to the house until 2 AM, again, lisa's dad was great and he dropped and picked us up so that we did not have to worry about one of us staying sober because that was not happening. Then after breakfast on Sunday Holly, Trevor and I hit the road to come back to SAn Diego. I dd all of the driving since my car is a stick shift and Holly cannot drive a stick...... this was not a fun drive after drinking the night before.... I stopped in Yuma on my home to say Hi to my granparents. I had to stop considering I was all the way out there and I do not get to see them that often. I did not call ahead and I surprised my Da-da who was outside in their patio when I pulled up... We stayed for about 30 minutes then got back on the road. I got home about 4 PM, took a quick nap, made dinner wathced my DVR and then went back to bed early.

Yesterday I did some laundry from the trip, ran a few errands - it was my dads birthday and talk about last minute, I needed to go get him a gift. But then I found out that I did not have to rush because my brother asked us to wait for him and he had to work 4PM to midnight yesterday and today so we are not going to give my dad his gifts until Thursday I think. My brother is an electrician apprentice and he is currently at the San Diego Zoo so they have to work after hours.

Today I just need to go to verizon and possibly upgrade my plan. My bill was outragous this month so I need to go and check it out.

Tomorrow and Thursday I am attending a career transition seminar. they help you with your resume and with the job search. My old company is paying for it so I might as well attend and hopefully it will help. Then Friday if everything goes well i am heading up to Christina's for Maddie's first birthday. I cannot believe she is going to be one already!

Had a Bad Day!

Well it happened to me yesterday. I am a statistic. The economy got the best of me. Certain individuals I know suck! I had a milkshake for dinner last night (even though at my weigh in on monday my total pounds lost since 1/5/09 is now 15.4 pounds). I barely slept last night - then I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. WHY? Well because I was laid off after 6 years on 2/20/09 at 11:28 AM as i was preparing to leave for lunch.
I got the whole "it is not you thing and we tried to find another place for you" speech. Needless to say I blinked as many times as i possibly could so that I would not give them the satisfaction of seeing my tears, but some slipped out. I wanted out of that office so bad that I did not really hear everything that was said, i was flushed and my heart rate was excellerated and I just wanted the hell out of there. So once i was able to break free I went and sat in my office for a few minutes, then I went across the street to get some boxes and to move my car closer. I was not ready to talk to anyone yet, I would cry and I cannot talk when i cry. So I packed a few things up and then decided to go give Laura that candy from the dish on my desk. When I walked in her office she asked why i was giving her my candy and i just looked at her and it was all over. Others came in and some cried with me and we all vented. It felt good to have co-workers curse when they heard I was leaving - they were all very suppotive and I get upset when i think that i will not get to see them everyday anymore. See I thought i was ready to write this but here come the waterworks. I can be pretty emotional and I need to snap out of this. Everything is going to be fine. They paid me for next week and I had 150 vacation hours banked and they paid me for that - I never really took time off so it was a lot of $ that they had to give me.. The sad thing was that I had 297 sick hours and you just loose those. I probably only used 3 sick days in 6 years. I actually have a very good job opportunity on the horizon. I was just too upset to get the details yesterday but an old client that heard about my situation just merged with another company and when they open their new office in 3-4 weeks he says that I have a position with them no problem. So I am going to collect unemployment and try and enjoy my time off and look at it as a vacation. I was planning on going to Phoenix next week with a friend to visit another friend and that is still going on. Then i guess I can do whatever! Maybe I can go visit one of you since I have nothing but time :) maybe I can go on welfare and be the next Octo-mom (that was supossed to be funny)..........
I just did my taxes online and that will help a lot, as long as I do not get an IOU.....
Also some friends at work suggested I get a facebook. They do not realize how long it took me to get a myspace. but since i do want to keep in touch with them and I believe everyone else has a facebook I am going to go there next and check it out so look for me in the future. UGH, crying gives me such a headache so i am going to stop now.

I hate being a statistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*it has been getting colder - for San Diego anyway -
*I have had a sinus infection that started on the right side, head ache pressure watery eye stuffy
nose. That lasted a few days and then switched to the left side which was not as bad. Thank
goodness for the liquid Tylenol PM cold with cool burst :)
*5 office co-workers were laid off - due to this awful economy.
*There was a meeting at work to let us know that there should not be any more lay offs and that
the board of directors and executives have found other ways to cut costs and that 2009 looks
promising - I guess we will see.
*I saw the movie Taken. It was great. Suspenseful and enough action to keep you wanting more.
*Sarah and I were too "loud" during the previews and a couple in front of us moved to the rear of the theater - excuse us!
*I finished the 3rd book of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. there are some mean vampires in this
*I am even more lost during Lost.
I am now wondering if indeed Izzy and George are leaving Greys Anatomy. Cause that would really suck! I am going to go finish packing - I am leaving for the desert after work tomorrow.
Then I am taking a hot bubble bath and starting the 4th book of the series.................................

Ugh! I do not feel good and I do not feel like doing anything!

80's in January

.....this cannot be normal. Whatever happened to winter?
To take advantage of this beautiful Saturday I went to Sea World with my friend Holly and her son Trevor. We were able to see 3 shows and feed the dolphins and let little Trevor run around in Elmo's world.
The Clyde and Seamore Seal show.

BELIEVE - the Shamu show..Trevor watching ShamuFeeding the dolphinsPet's rule show - "Lassie" jump roping.Cooling off on a HOT winter day!

SO I am off of work today... I am calling it a mental health day! Actually I took yesterday and today off of work because my mom had surgery yesterday and she was scheduled to stay the night in the hospital but they let her go home last night. So I am just going to enjoy my day and in a little while I am meeting Sarah and Andrew at Chili's for lunch and then I might hit up the 2 story Target at Grossmont center. My mom had to have a tumor removed from her thyroid. I guess this thing was sucking the calcium from her bones and displacing it in her blood stream. We checked into the hospital at 8:30 AM and did not get to leave until 6:30 PM. It was a long day for me just sitting around, thank goodness for my ipod and a good book. I guess it was a lot harder for my mom - I should not complain :) She was so nervous about them cutting the front of her neck. When I spoke with the DR afterwards he told me that when she went into the operating room that her blood calcium level was at 168, anything over 80 is red flagged as extremly dangerous, as soon as they removed the tumor her levels dropped to 28. Which is a huge difference, but because her levels returned to normal so quickly they let her go home. A few weeks ago there was a patient on my fav show Greys Antatomy that had the same thing done and it showed Dr McSteamy cutting the patients neck - I told my mom to be sure and not watch that epsiode.......
Ok, well I am going to go and take a nice long hot shower and start my mental health day..... Then it is back to the grind tomorrow!

I am

getting ready to start traffic school online.
What a fabulous way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

I have to be quick cause I am currently at work. So far the day has gone by quite slow. I have 10 large trash cans full of plans that I need to archive. I have been putting it off forever but the warehouse is starting to slowly fill up. I figured this would be a good day because it is quite at the office and it is rainy so there is not much going on. I have to put an ID# on each set of plans and then pack them in boxes and place a barcode on the boxes and then call an outside company that will come and pick them up for storage. So far I have emptied 4 cans and packed 10 boxes. I just came back across the street to check my email and I decided to do a quick blog to break up the boredom and I had my phone with me so why not snap a few pics...

The only nice thing about archiving is that I am usually the only person in the small warehouse and I can crank up the radio to help pass the time. Ok back to work - 45 more minutes until lunch time......
What I began with -

The end result -


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