SO I am off of work today... I am calling it a mental health day! Actually I took yesterday and today off of work because my mom had surgery yesterday and she was scheduled to stay the night in the hospital but they let her go home last night. So I am just going to enjoy my day and in a little while I am meeting Sarah and Andrew at Chili's for lunch and then I might hit up the 2 story Target at Grossmont center. My mom had to have a tumor removed from her thyroid. I guess this thing was sucking the calcium from her bones and displacing it in her blood stream. We checked into the hospital at 8:30 AM and did not get to leave until 6:30 PM. It was a long day for me just sitting around, thank goodness for my ipod and a good book. I guess it was a lot harder for my mom - I should not complain :) She was so nervous about them cutting the front of her neck. When I spoke with the DR afterwards he told me that when she went into the operating room that her blood calcium level was at 168, anything over 80 is red flagged as extremly dangerous, as soon as they removed the tumor her levels dropped to 28. Which is a huge difference, but because her levels returned to normal so quickly they let her go home. A few weeks ago there was a patient on my fav show Greys Antatomy that had the same thing done and it showed Dr McSteamy cutting the patients neck - I told my mom to be sure and not watch that epsiode.......
Ok, well I am going to go and take a nice long hot shower and start my mental health day..... Then it is back to the grind tomorrow!


Im glad everything turned out ok! A guy that Brian works with just had his whole thyroid taken out...been hearing a lot of stories about them lately.

Enjoy your day...wish I lived closer so we could have lunch!

January 28, 2009 at 10:35 AM  

wow I hope she is feeling good soon, that sounds like a serious surgery. anything having to do with cutting your neck can't be too good.

that's good she got to go home early though! I hate being in hospitals.

January 28, 2009 at 2:33 PM  

Sorry to hear about your mom, but glad her situation is normalizing so well. And there is nothing wrong with taking a mental health day from work that is for sure.

January 28, 2009 at 4:59 PM  

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