Fun Pics

We celebrated my Woo-woo's 75th birthday on December 26th out in the sand dunes. She will not stop riding her quad no matter how much we suggest that she should act her age :) She rides at a snail's pace but she enjoys it so much. It makes a lot of us nervous but she is a safe rider. these pics were taken on her birthday. We were goofing around and Sean decided to make it look like she had "run" him over.

It has been a busy weekend. yesterday was my brothers birthday and we had a BBQ for him. Then it was my best friends bday on the 6th so we went out last night. Went to TFIFridays and had some drinks and then walked to the theater, she had not seen twilight yet so I agreed to see it again (4th time actually). today I met another friend that I had not seen in months for brunch, then went to the grocery store to get stuff start bringing a lunch to work. Now I am on my 3rd load of laundry and my neighbors are having a Charger party and I need to get over ther by half time - when the food is served - plus I made a dish to share.... So I think there are a few more minutes till half time so I need to go!


i love the pictures! that's hilarious. the desert was always SO much fun. aww Maddie will probably never go to the desert. poor girl. maybe I will get her into quads lol

then again its too expensive of a sport when you have NO skills to repair your own equipment.

January 11, 2009 at 7:11 PM  

ha ha - those are funny! Grandma is lookin good :o)

January 15, 2009 at 7:20 AM  

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