*it has been getting colder - for San Diego anyway -
*I have had a sinus infection that started on the right side, head ache pressure watery eye stuffy
nose. That lasted a few days and then switched to the left side which was not as bad. Thank
goodness for the liquid Tylenol PM cold with cool burst :)
*5 office co-workers were laid off - due to this awful economy.
*There was a meeting at work to let us know that there should not be any more lay offs and that
the board of directors and executives have found other ways to cut costs and that 2009 looks
promising - I guess we will see.
*I saw the movie Taken. It was great. Suspenseful and enough action to keep you wanting more.
*Sarah and I were too "loud" during the previews and a couple in front of us moved to the rear of the theater - excuse us!
*I finished the 3rd book of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. there are some mean vampires in this
*I am even more lost during Lost.
I am now wondering if indeed Izzy and George are leaving Greys Anatomy. Cause that would really suck! I am going to go finish packing - I am leaving for the desert after work tomorrow.
Then I am taking a hot bubble bath and starting the 4th book of the series.................................


Never heard of those books...good?

I have always been lost with Lost...I just thought I was too dumb.

Not a fan of Izzy, so I dont care, but I have been wanting more George for months now!

I hope you feel better soon!

February 12, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

I hope your sinus issues get cleared up soon. That is never fun.

IT's got to be somewhat relieving to hear them say no more lay-offs. I'm sure you will be fine.

It's been a while since we've seen you we should all go toDisneyland someday or ooo Sea World because I haven't been there in AGES or LEgo LAnd that's where the kids love to go.

February 13, 2009 at 8:24 AM  

**I am game to go to any of the mentioned places. just let me know when :)
I have plenty of vacation time also so I can take a day off of work.

The Black Dagger series is good, not my favorite but very entertaining. It is an adult vampire series, there are some erotic scenes (not complaining).

February 13, 2009 at 1:54 PM  

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