New Fave!

So I have heard a lot lately about the Twilight series. It is a series of 4 books about a vampire love story. It did not really interest me at first. Then I read in a magazine that there is a movie coming out in December about the first movie. So that got me a little interested. Then 2 weeks ago I went up to Escondido to visit my cousin and her family and I saw that Joanna was reading it and then her daughter Sierra told me that she read the first in 3 days and that she was now reading the third. So I decided to give it a shot. I went to Target after work on Monday and picked it up (it is considered a young adult book). I started reading it Monday evening and I did not want to do anything else but finish the damn thing. I took it to work with me on Tuesday(which is where I took the pic), that was a big mistake, I was trying to read it, do my work and not get caught. I finished it that night. It was such a good book! I did the same thing with the second one, I finished it the day after I started. I have decided not to purchase 3 and 4 yet because I need to pace myself, I cannot get anything done when I know the book is sitting there waiting for me to read it....... I know, I am weird but I really love to read and it has been such a long time since I have wanted to finish a book as soon as I start it.
Ok, well I better get back to work - do not pay attention to my messy desk at work in the background of the picture - :)


I'm going to do with Twilight what I did with Harry Potter. I ended up watching the first Harry Potter before I started reading the books. I'll watch the first twilight before I get hooked into the books. I'm currently reading American Gods by Gaiman and it's interesting, but taking me awhile to read because it's harder for me to find time.

August 25, 2008 at 2:08 PM  

I read the first three and Im on the waiting list at the library for the fourth - I never buy books since Im there anyways for the girls :o) I just picked up The Host (same auther different story line) so that will be my next one.

I resisted these books for SO long because I thought they sounded lame, but then I read part of the first and I was hooked!

August 25, 2008 at 5:02 PM  

I know, same here. i thought that it did not sound like something I would enjoy and now I am so hooked!

I have never seen a Harry movie nor read the books....... I should probably give them a chance but we will see!

August 25, 2008 at 5:15 PM  

that's funny I saw the book at Target and the cover caught my eye then I went to read what it's about and saw vampire and just set it down haha. Maybe I'll have to check it out at the library too.

I'm start to go with the whole library thing myself too because books are expensive and I don't want to spend a million dollars on childrens books when she's just going to grow out of them.

I just like buying the classic children's books and getting misc. ones from the library.

August 25, 2008 at 8:54 PM  

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