Blue Mood

Well, it has just been one of those weeks. I have not been in the mood to do anything. Everything at work annoyed me and there really was no rhyme or reason why. Now I realize I can probably blame most of it on PMS but probably not all of it.
Due to cutbacks at work, instead of each department having individual holiday lunches it has been decided that we are going to have a potluck on the 19th. I got volunteered to be on the comittee to help set it up and so forth. We were told during the meeting that the exec's are going to let us go home early after the lunch. Which is great because I am driving down to my parents place in Ocotillo and I am going to knock all of my holiday baking out in one weekend. The comittee wants to play games and try and keep people to stay longer and socialize, but really, if we get to leave afterwards I just want to leave as soon as possible.

I had a funeral on Thursday that I was late to because of work. My dad's cousin passed away, He was only 48 but he suffered a massive heart attack. I did not know him very well but it was hard to see family members upset. Then again, it was nice to visit with some family afterwards when some of us went out to eat. My dad's side of the family is not very close with a few exceptions, so most of the time you only see some of them in these circimstances, which is unfortunate, but it is what it is.
I went out and finished all Christmas shopping today, I managed to get home right before the rain started. Now I am messing around on the computer before I meet Holly and Trevor at Fuddruckers, hopefully this rain will calm down.
Oh and did I mention that my car smells a tad like a skunk. There was a dead one in the road yesterday AM on my way to work and apparently I drove too close to it. I just bought some febreeze and a car air freshenor so hopefully this will do the trick.
All right, enough of my negativity. I just know that this will be a better week :)


well someone dying will put you in a funk...even if your not close to them. No one died here, but Ive been sappy this week too...maybe it was just a bad week for both of us. Too bad we cant just go out for drinks together and vent it all away!

December 13, 2008 at 6:43 PM  

Sorry to hear about the funk, it's been a weird month.. hopefully, things will be better for you this week. Hmmmm.. drinks ;).

December 14, 2008 at 11:16 AM  

It's the holidays they put stress on everyone and since it is all getting closer to the end everyone will be in a funk and stressed over last minute things that need to get done that you don't necessarily feel like doing on top of your typical day to day things.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad's cousin. Like Mandi says even if you aren't close if you know the person or have even met them once it makes you feel bad.

Hopefully next week is better!

December 14, 2008 at 3:23 PM  

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