Ticket * Stick it

So on Friday morning, David, Sierra and I volunteer to go into El Centro to get groceries (we had 5 extra people staying with us at the last minute) so after leaving the crazy Super Walmart an officer decides to pull me over. Now I have never been pulled over or had received a ticket until this year. In February I got a speeding ticket on the freeway while driving to Pheonix, that one I can understand, I knew the risks. This one took me by surprise. he got me for merging left when I should have turned right or gone straight - huh - that is what I said. Apparently I could not merge left. he told me I should have went into Starbucks, I did not want Starbucks. the lines were clearly worn off on the road. But whatever, i do not want to go back to El Centro to fight it. It took 5 minutes to write the ticket and he did not have much to say excpet that "people do it all the time and it causes accidents". really, well I do not live there and obviously I did not cause an accident.

the rest of the weekend went smoothly. There was a lot of mud from the storm earlier in the week so all off road vehicles received a mud paint job. We had a camp fire each night which was fun.

David and his first shot of tequila.

Sierra "kissing" Edward. ok, this one showed up 2x and i cannot delete it 0 oh well


looks like a lot of fun too bad about the ticket I HATE TICKETS!! they are such a pain and half the time there's a decent reason to fight them but its too much of a pain to do it especially when you don't live around the area.

December 3, 2008 at 6:50 PM  

Ha ha I love how you took a picture of his lights in your mirror. Now thats a true bloggger! Im sorry you got a ticket, wha a perfectly lame waste of money this time of year.

December 4, 2008 at 8:10 AM  

Knock on desk.. I still have only been pulled over once for registration that my parents forgot to put on the car.. But I'm still paying out of pocket for my husband's violations :).. it was a pretty lame reason for a ticket too.. he probably needed to reach his "quota".

December 4, 2008 at 10:08 AM  

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