New office

Well it has been 5 years and 5 months but I finally have a real office, with a real door and everything.... Why is this good news? It is very good news to me because for all that time I have been working out of an office trailer in a warehouse. There have been a few office moves so that left some empty offices in the building that the warehouse is attached to. So after asking one person and that person going to the VP as of this past Thursday I have a nice place to work. Now when things slow down I need to get in there and decorate, for now I will leave the pictures that the previous occupant left in there. I did order a Twilight movie poster off of the net last night with the intention of hanging it in my office. It was a very busy week at work on top of the move. One of the jobsite's that I did equipment billing for was getting audited so it was stressfull finding everything to back up my billing blah blah blah it is boring stuff but I finished it at about 3:20 PM on friday with 10 minutes to spare. Now I just got back from my fav store, Target, and I am going to put stuff away. I always go there only planning on spending about $20 and I end up spending $50. Now I am going to drag Halloween decorations out of the closet and see if I need anything else to decorate. Here are some before and after pics of my office:

Scratch that, the Halloween decorations will have to wait. I just got a call to go to the movies and see Eagle Eye........



oh wow big difference! I was thinking before I saw the pictures how bad can it be working out of an office trailer but your new office looks great especialyl with the blue wall. something other than sterile white to look at which is nice!

October 4, 2008 at 3:16 PM  

$50?! thats nothing, i left today spending $140!

October 4, 2008 at 4:06 PM  

about 90% of the time entering and leaving target.. I always spend a heck of a lot more then I planned. It's bad that I live a block from one.

October 6, 2008 at 2:40 PM  

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