Not om vacation anymore :(

Well, I got back to town yesterday and today reality sent it and I had to go back to work. Right now I am hot, tired, and my back is itching because I am starting to peel!
Lake Havasu was great, the Bratcher clan was out in full force. There were approx. 31 people in our group. There were 6 little ones from 10 1/2 weeks to 4 years old, a couple of teens, then the rest were from the early 20's to 76. It was great to see everyone again and I got to meet two new additions to the extended family. Wed, thurs, Fri we had perfect weather. Sat and Sun it was up to 111 degrees. You cannot tell it is that hot when you are out on the Lake. You can tell if you go back into the campground during the day. It is down in a cove and there is no breeze. We typically leave the campground around 8 AM and return around 6 PM, you eat, shower, and then usually pass out from being out in the sun all day. We were lucky enough to find a sand/rock bar that would fit all of us. One of the cousins would stay the night out there on the sandbar so that we would not have to bring everything in each night. I have pics and asa soon as I load them I will post them. Hopefully I will feel like doing this tomorrow after work :)


Sounds like you had a blast. Sorry you had to back to work so soon..

June 18, 2008 at 8:15 PM  

sounds like a lot of fun. I would have been scared to stay along on the sand rock bar...I would of had to have at least one other person for company. haha even if it was a baby lol.

June 19, 2008 at 7:26 AM  

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