Twilight: It was great, I loved it. It was 2 hours and 15 minutes exactly, with the first 15 minutes of it being movie previews. The movie actually could have been longer. They left out a lot of parts, but it is a long book so I guess they had to cut some of it out. I had heard that the director does really good films for teenagers and she did a great job. It does follow under the young adult category - it made me want to go back to high school :) I was just amazed the whole time that I actualy got to see these characters that have been in my imagination for so long.

Mandi: you will love the moment when Edward first appears on screen.


Not the smartest thing I have ever done on a work night but you only live once right :)

I got to the Theater at 9Pm and picked up my ticket. Then met a bunch of co-workers at Hooley's pub which is right next door. I did not partake in any alcohol - that would have put me to sleep for sure. There ended up being 11 of us and at 10 PM we decided to go get in line in the theater. To our amazment they had already let some theaters in, there were four theaters showing Twilight that night. We opted to go in the last theater, even though it was not their biggest screen. We got awesome seats and ours was not sold out like the first 3 were. BUT now we had to wait 2 HOURS for it to start. that was hard. We played cards, we gossiped, we people watched, and we got up and walked around the lobby. At about 11:45 PM it was starting to hit me, all I wanted to do was close my eyes. It was very loud in the theater, a TON of teenage girls who scream (not sing) when a song came on. But once the movie started in was dead quite until you saw Edward then everyone sighed. Everyone laughed, cheered, sighed, clapped at the same moments. Seeing everyone have the same reacation as you made it more enjoyable.

So i got home at about 2:30 AM - tossed and turned in bed, I saw the clock at 4:30 AM and then BAMM my alarm went off at 5:15 AM( I pushed it back from 5AM). I was at work by 6:30 AM. I tried to eat lunch at 11:30 AM but Soup Plantation just was not cutting it for some reason. I got real cranky and tired around 1 PM. Left work at 3:30 PM, tried to fall asleep on the couch but it was a Friday and neighbors were loud, the phone was ringing and I was starving. I made egg and potato burritos, then took a hot bath, maybe too hot, I was extra tired when I got out of there - Crawled in bed and watched Grey's on the DVR then was asleep before 9 PM.

SO I will probably think twice about seeing a movie at Midnight on a work night. But in this case it was worth it!


oh man, i wish i went! I will probably have to wait till video...unless i get somone in cali to go with mr when im there :o)

November 22, 2008 at 2:48 PM  

When are you coming to CA? :)

November 22, 2008 at 4:40 PM  

I finally started reading Twilight Thursday during Lunch. Throughout Thurs. & Fri., I didn't have anytime to just sit and read, so I was reading when and were I could. By the time I got into line for the movie, I was close to halfway through the book. I really enjoyed the movie and finally finished the book this morning. I spent a couple of hours this afternoon, finding the other books the cheapest I could. Why do I always wait till the first movie comes out, then I get obsessed over the books. Heehee.. I'll probably have the rest of the books finished by this time next weekend. I still don't know If I'd ever do a midnight showing again myself. Did one for Return of the King on a work night, and that was when I was driving from Fullerton to Victorville. It's fun to do once :).

November 23, 2008 at 6:11 PM  

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